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Filter by Tags

The Filter by Tags module in Wope's Rank Tracker allows users to categorize and manage their keywords using tags. This module offers four different tag categories: Favorite Tags, User-Created Tags, AI-Grouped Tags, and Common Word Tags.

1. Favorite Tags

The Favorite Tags category displays the tags that users have marked as favorites. This feature allows users to quickly access and filter their most important or frequently used tags.

2. User-Created Tags

In the User-Created Tags category, users can view and manage the tags they have created themselves. This category provides a convenient way for users to organize their keywords based on their own custom criteria, such as marketing campaigns, product categories, or target audiences.

3. AI-Grouped Tags

The AI-Grouped Tags category showcases the power of Wope's artificial intelligence. Wope's AI automatically groups keywords based on their vectorial distance from each other, ensuring a highly effective and accurate keyword grouping. This advanced method of keyword categorization helps users uncover hidden relationships between keywords and identify new opportunities for optimization.

4. Common Word Tags

The Common Word Tags category represents the traditional keyword grouping method. In this category, keywords that contain the same words are automatically grouped together. While not as sophisticated as the AI-Grouped Tags, this category still provides a useful way to organize keywords based on shared terms.

The Filter by Tags module also offers several management features, including:

  • Creating new tags
  • Editing existing tags
  • Deleting tags
  • Removing tags from favorites

By utilizing the Filter by Tags module, users can efficiently organize and navigate their keyword data, making it easier to analyze performance, identify trends, and optimize their search engine rankings. The combination of user-created tags, AI-powered grouping, and common word tags provides users with a comprehensive and flexible tagging system to suit their unique needs and preferences.