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Rank Tracker

Market > Competitors

Competitors: Benchmark and Outperform Your Rivals

The Competitors screen within the Rank Tracker is a powerful tool that allows you to benchmark your website's performance against your top rivals in the search results. By analyzing your competitors' strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, you can gain valuable insights to optimize your own SEO efforts and outperform them in the rankings.

Understanding the Competitors Screen

The Competitors screen is divided into two main sections: the Market Share Chart and the Keywords table.

Market Share Chart

The Market Share Chart provides a visual representation of your website's market share compared to your selected competitors. The chart displays the percentage of traffic each website receives from the tracked keywords. This allows you to quickly assess your relative position in the market and identify the strongest players in your niche.

Note: You can select up to 5 competitors to compare against your website at a time. Wope continuously tracks all websites that perform well for your relevant keywords in the background, providing you with a pool of potential competitors to analyze.

Keywords Table

The Keywords table shows a detailed breakdown of how your website performs against your competitors for each tracked keyword. The table includes the following metrics:

  • Keyword: The specific keyword phrase being analyzed.
  • Volume: The average monthly search volume for the keyword.
  • S.F.: The number of SERP features present for the keyword.
  • Position: The ranking position of your website and your competitors for the keyword.
  • Change: The change in ranking position compared to the previous data point.
  • Location: The country or region the keyword is being tracked for.
  • Language: The language the keyword is being tracked for.

The table allows you to quickly identify keywords where your competitors are outperforming you, as well as opportunities where you have a competitive advantage.

Analyzing Competitor Performance

The Competitors screen empowers you to conduct in-depth competitor analysis and uncover actionable insights. Here are some ways to leverage this information:

  1. Identify top competitors: Look at the Market Share Chart to determine which websites are your strongest competitors. Focus your analysis on the websites with the highest market share, as they are likely to have the most impact on your search performance.
  2. Analyze competitor rankings: Review the Keywords table to see how your competitors are ranking for each tracked keyword. Identify keywords where your competitors are outranking you and investigate their strategies. Look at their content, backlink profiles, and on-page optimization to understand what they are doing differently.
  3. Spot keyword opportunities: Look for keywords where your competitors are ranking poorly or not at all. These could be opportunities for you to prioritize and target, as you may have a better chance of achieving high rankings and capturing market share.
  4. Monitor ranking changes: Keep an eye on the Change column to track how your competitors' rankings are fluctuating over time. If a competitor suddenly experiences a significant drop in rankings, it could indicate an issue with their website or a change in their SEO strategy. Use this information to adapt your own approach and capitalize on their weaknesses.
  5. Benchmark your progress: Use the Competitors screen to regularly assess your performance against your rivals. Set goals to overtake your competitors for specific keywords and track your progress over time. Celebrate your successes and use any setbacks as motivation to refine your strategy.

Best Practices and Tips

To get the most out of the Competitors screen, consider the following best practices:

  • Regularly review and update your selected competitors to ensure you are benchmarking against the most relevant websites in your niche.
  • Combine insights from the Competitors screen with other sections of the Rank Tracker (e.g., Performance, Market) to gain a holistic view of your competitive landscape.
  • Use the Location and Language filters to analyze competitor performance in specific regions or languages, especially if you are targeting a global audience.
  • Export the data for further analysis or to create visualizations for reporting and presentations.
  • Don't just focus on outranking your competitors; prioritize providing value to your target audience and creating high-quality, relevant content.

By leveraging the Competitors screen, you can gain a deep understanding of your competitive landscape, identify opportunities for improvement, and ultimately outperform your rivals in the search results.