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Members Settings: Managing Access and Collaboration

The Members Settings page in Wope allows you to manage who has access to your space and control their level of access. You can invite new members, remove existing members, and assign roles based on your collaboration needs. Depending on your subscription plan, you can invite people to your entire workspace or limit their access to specific projects.

Managing Members

The Manage Members section provides an overview of all the members in your space, along with tools to manage their access:

  1. Search: Use the search bar to quickly find specific members by name or email address.
  2. Filter: Click the "All" button to filter members by their status (Active, Pending, or All).
  3. Invite: Click the "Invite" button to add new members to your space.
  4. Member List: View all the members in your space, along with their email addresses and status (Active or Pending). Click on a member to access additional actions, such as removing them from the space.

Inviting New Members

To invite a new member to your space, follow these steps:

  1. Click the "Invite" button in the Manage Members section.
  2. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
  3. Choose the level of access you want to grant the new member:
    • Space member - Full access: The invited user will have full access to all projects and features within your space.
    • Project member - Limited access: The invited user will have access only to specific projects that you select, with limited permissions.
  4. Click the "Send Invite" button to send the invitation to the specified email address.

The invited user will receive an email with a link to join your Wope space. Once they accept the invitation, their status will change from Pending to Active, and they will be able to access your space according to the level of access you granted them.

Removing Members

To remove a member from your space, follow these steps:

  1. Find the member you want to remove in the Member List.
  2. Click on the member's name or email address to open the actions menu.
  3. Select "Remove from space" to revoke their access to your space.

Removing a member will immediately prevent them from accessing your space and any projects they were assigned to. If you need to change a member's level of access without removing them entirely, you can do so by re-inviting them with the desired access level.

By effectively managing your space members and their access levels, you can ensure secure collaboration and maintain control over your data and projects within Wope.