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Performance > Summary

Summary Screen: Your Central Hub for Keyword Analysis

Welcome to the Summary screen, your go-to destination for a comprehensive overview of your keyword performance within the Rank Tracker. This powerful tool provides a centralized view of key metrics, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your SEO strategies effectively.

Understanding the Keywords Table

The heart of the Summary screen is the keywords table, which displays a wealth of information for each keyword you're tracking. Let's take a closer look at the metrics and what they mean:

  • Keyword: The specific keyword phrase being monitored.
  • Volume: The average number of monthly searches for the keyword, indicating its popularity.
  • Position: The current ranking position of your website for the keyword on the selected date.
  • Change: The change in ranking position compared to the previous data point, helping you track progress.
  • Visual Rank: The absolute position of your website in the search results, taking into account SERP features.
  • Pixel Rank: The ranking position based on the pixel height of your search result, providing a more precise measurement.
  • Visibility: The organic search visibility score, representing how likely users are to see your website for the keyword.
  • Traffic: The estimated organic traffic your website receives from the keyword.
  • Ads Value: The estimated monetary value of the keyword based on its CPC and search volume, helping you assess its potential.
  • Opportunity: An indicator of the room for improvement in rankings and traffic for the keyword.
  • Traffic Share: The percentage of your website's total organic traffic attributed to the keyword.
  • CPC: The average cost-per-click for the keyword in Google Ads, providing insight into its commercial value.
  • S.F.: The number of SERP features (e.g., featured snippets, knowledge panels) associated with the keyword.

By familiarizing yourself with these metrics, you'll be well-equipped to analyze your keyword performance and identify areas for improvement.

Deriving Actionable Insights

The Summary screen is more than just a data display; it's a powerful tool for driving actionable insights. Here are a few ways to leverage the information:

  1. Identify top-performing keywords: Look for keywords with high visibility, traffic, and rankings. These are your star performers, and you should focus on maintaining and further optimizing their performance.
  2. Spot improvement opportunities: Keywords with low visibility, traffic, or rankings present opportunities for growth. Prioritize these keywords in your optimization efforts to unlock their potential.
  3. Monitor ranking changes: Keep an eye on the Change column to track your progress over time. Consistent positive changes indicate successful SEO strategies, while negative changes may require further investigation and adjustment.
  4. Assess keyword value: Use the Ads Value and CPC metrics to gauge the commercial value of your keywords. High-value keywords warrant extra attention and resources to maximize their impact.
  5. Analyze SERP features: The S.F. column shows you which keywords trigger SERP features. Targeting these keywords can help you capture prominent positions on the search results page and boost your visibility.

Best Practices and Tips

To get the most out of the Summary screen, consider these best practices:

  • Regularly monitor your keyword performance to stay on top of changes and trends.
  • Use the search bar and filters to quickly find specific keywords or segments.
  • Customize the columns displayed using the View Options to focus on the metrics that matter most to you.
  • Export your data for further analysis or reporting using the available formats (e.g., CSV, Excel).
  • Set realistic goals and benchmarks for your keywords, and use the Summary screen to track your progress towards them.

By leveraging the Summary screen to its fullest potential, you'll gain deep insights into your keyword performance, make informed optimization decisions, and ultimately drive more organic traffic and success for your website.