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Creating Your Account

Setting up Your Account

We want to explain in detail the steps you will encounter when creating your Wope account:

  1. Click here to sign up for Wope.
  2. Enter your email address. Then, we'll send a sign-up code to that address. Paste the code to the related field.
  3. Enter your first and last name and set your password. At this step, you can also choose your logo.
  4. Enter information about your company (You can also choose prefer not to share).
  5. Choose your UI style. We have plenty of handsome choices. You can also change the UI style at any time in the settings menu.
  6. Name your Workspace. All Workspaces in Wope must have unique names.
  7. Choose your plan.
  8. Create your first project.

And that's it!

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Note: If you have a lifetime deal license, select the "Basic" package (no requirement to enter a credit card) when setting up your Wope account and start your 14-day trial. You can then activate your LTD license via the Settings > Subscription page.