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Subscription Settings: Managing Your Wope Plan

The Subscription Settings page in Wope allows you to manage your subscription plan, view usage and limits, and access billing information. You can access this page by navigating to the "Subscription" tab in the Settings menu.

Current Plan and Renewal

At the top of the Subscription Settings page, you'll see your current plan and the renewal date. To manage your plan, click on the "Manage plan" link.

Summary, Plans, and Billing Tabs

The Subscription Settings page is divided into three main tabs:

  1. Summary: Provides an overview of your current usage and limits, as well as the option to update your plan.
  2. Plans: Displays the available subscription plans, allowing you to compare features and pricing.
  3. Billing: Shows your payment method, billing information, and billing history.

Usage & Limits

In the Summary tab, you can view your current usage and limits for various features, such as:

  • Keywords: Total keyword limits for Rank Tracker
  • AI Words: Total word limit for AI Content Writer
  • Reports: Total limit for Research module usage
  • Projects: Total number of projects that you can create
  • Users: Total number of members that you can module

The usage is displayed as a fraction of the total limit for each feature. For example, "319 of 400" for Keywords indicates that the user is tracking 319 keywords out of the 400 allowed in their plan.

To update your limits, click on the "Update" button next to the feature you want to modify. Keep in mind that any changes must align with the maximum limits of your current plan. For detailed information about the limits for each plan, visit

Available Plans

In the Plans tab, you can view and compare the available subscription plans:

  1. Basic Plan ($67 per month):
    • Keyword Tracking: 200
    • AI Words Content: 5,000
    • Research Reports: 500
    • Projects: 1
    • Users: Unlimited
    • 14-day free trial available without a credit card
  2. Starter Plan ($157 per month):
    • Keyword Tracking: 1,000
    • AI Words Content: 10,000
    • Research Reports: 1,000
    • Projects: 5
    • Users: 3
    • 14-day free trial available without a credit card
  3. Growth Plan ($387 per month):
    • Keyword Tracking: 3,000
    • AI Words Content: 25,000
    • Research Reports: 2,500
    • Projects: 7
    • Users: 5
  4. Elite Plan ($897 per month):
    • Keyword Tracking: 10,000
    • AI Words Content: 75,000
    • Research Reports: 5,000
    • Projects: 10
    • Users: 7

The plans are displayed in a table format, with each plan's features and pricing clearly outlined. You can switch between monthly and annual billing by clicking on the corresponding tab.

To change your plan, select the desired plan and click on the "Switch Plan" button. If you choose to upgrade, any additional charges will be prorated based on your current billing cycle.

Please note that while the Basic and Starter plans offer a 14-day free trial, you cannot change the usage limits during the trial period. The trial allows you to test the features of the plan without any upfront payment.

By comparing the available plans, you can find the one that best suits your needs and budget, ensuring that you have access to the necessary tools and resources to achieve your SEO and content marketing goals.

Billing Information

The Billing tab allows you to manage your payment method and billing information. You can:

  • View and update your payment method by clicking on the "Add New Payment Method" button.
  • Update your billing information, such as your email address, by clicking on the "Update" button.

The Billing History section displays a list of your past invoices, including the date, amount, and payment status. To view a specific invoice, click on the "View invoice" link.

By utilizing the Subscription Settings page, you can easily manage your Wope plan, monitor your usage, and ensure that you have the features and limits necessary to achieve your SEO and content marketing goals.